Innova DX Shark Midrange avec tampon de stock avec logo Burst [Inventaire de stock arrière – La couleur du disque et du tampon varie]
Innova DX Shark Midrange avec tampon de stock avec logo Burst [Inventaire de stock arrière – La couleur du disque et du tampon varie]
- Stock faible – 4 articles restants
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Voir tous : Requins DX avec timbre Burst Logo Stock.
Moule : Le milieu de gamme Innova Shark – Vitesse : 4 | Glisse : 4 | Tour : 0 | Fondu : 2
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Le Shark est le disque de milieu de gamme parfait pour les joueurs de tous niveaux. Il est idéal pour les frappes droites, hyzer ou anhyzer prévisibles et les coups d'approche, et vous pouvez même putter avec. Les débutants bénéficieront d’un bord lisse et d’une libération constante. Il a une bonne portance et facilite l’accès aux longues approches.
Plastique : DX - Voir tous les disques DX
La ligne DX d'Innova est produite avec leur plastique Deluxe. La gamme DX offre la plus large sélection de modèles et de poids. Ces disques sont abordables et offrent une excellente adhérence dans diverses situations météorologiques. Les disques DX s'usent avec l'usage et, au fil du temps, finiront par acquérir des caractéristiques de vol nouvelles et variées.
Timbre : Stock de logo éclaté
My friend has a beat up shark that actually fades right from a RHBH throw. My new one doesn't quite do that, but with a RHBH throw with an ahnhyzer ange, I can bend this disc around obstacles to my right. It's a great midrange to have for those shots.
There's a reason Innova includes a Shark as the Midrange in their "starter" packs. The Shark is a solid, Midrange, that is easy to throw, flies fairly straight, and is available in a wide variety of weights, so it's great for younger players. If you HAD to play with only ONE disc, the Shark would be a great choice. I would recommend it to all new players, and experienced ones can enjoy it as well!
The Shark is the most consistent disk in my bag! Considering that I started only a few months ago, that is a really big deal. Where better players would use a putter, I use the Shark. I hit the basket and dropped right beneath it from 75 ft a couple of weeks ago on a forehand and I could have turned a backflip. My Roc3 is also good in the same situations but when it really counts I go straight for the Shark.
Many are familiar with this disc due to Innova's starter set. It works well in that role. If someone is new to the sport I might give them the shark alone at first. It can hold a variety of lines and is a good all-around disc for one disc rounds. My daughter used this for years as the only disc she would play with for putts, drives, etc. This helped her learn to get different lines from one disc, and to work on form with a slower speed disc rather than throwing something faster the wrong way. In the lighter (150) weight it has good glide. The only time I wouldn't recommend it is in a strong wind. I took off one star on quality because the DX plastic does get scratched and dinged up. But since the disc is not thin like a driver it is still usable for a long while, eventually becoming more understable. I have one that is well over a decade old and still is usable, despite many tree hits.